RV Pre-Purchase Inspection
What is an RV Pre-Purchase Inspection?
The best way to describe what an RV Pre-Purchase Inspection is, is to think of a pre-purchase home inspection. Before a loan will be made to buy a home the lender/bank requires a home inspection to determine if the home is structurally solid and meets code.
An RV Pre-Purchase Inspection is based on the same premise. You are getting ready to spend a considerable amount of money on a unit that will need to endure hurricane force winds (travelling 55-65mph) going down the road and then throw in a few earthquakes (road conditions). You want the assurance that the unit you are buying is in its best condition.
FREEDOM RV Inspections & Services is a third party inspection team that will perform an inspection on the unit you are contemplating buying. This inspection is done PRIOR to you signing paperwork for the unit. The FREEDOM RV Inspections and Services Premier Level inspection will conduct a 200+ point check of the unit and submit a 40-50 page report with 80-100 pictures for you to consider as you make your purchase choice. For a new unit, it can show warranty issues before you take your first trip.
What are the benefits of an RV Pre-Purchase Inspection?
In the report you receive it will show the items that may need to be repaired/replaced. It will show life threatening issues and issues of concern. The inspection is so thorough it may show issues that the dealer has missed or overlooked.
With this report you will be in a position to go to the dealer and request these items to be corrected or be able to negotiate a better purchasing price. You will have documented proof of these issues by an NRVIA certified Inspector.
If you are buying a used unit from a private seller, this inspection could find hidden damage that may not be readily apparent then again saving you money down the road.
Our inspectors are trained and certified by the National RV Inspectors Academy, NRVIA, and possess the knowledge of what to look for that the everyday purchaser may not. Finding these issues before you buy could potentially save you THOUSANDS of dollars and save you the inconvenience of finding this out on your first outing.
Are there different levels of an RV Pre-Purchase Inspection?
Yes. FREEDOM RV Inspections & Services provides two levels of inspections for you to choose from.
Essential Level – $500 – $900. This inspection would check appliances such as stove, oven, microwave, refrigerator, A/C, hot water heater, furnace, television, radio, water system & toilets. The roof and all accessories on the roof. All exterior accessories, under carriage, landing gear, slide outs discharge gates, steps and attachment points. Report includes 20-40 pictures.
Premier Level – $990 – $1390. If it is in or on the unit, it will be inspected. The report comes with 80-100 pictures and Two Fluid Samples.
We will provide you with a Point of Inspection (POI) sheet that describes the items being checked.

**Why is it Important to Keep Up with Tire Maintenance?
Tires are the only contact point we have with the road, as they are the key to propelling and stopping your vehicle. We rely on that small patch of rubber that is at each of the four corners, to keep us on the road. It is important that we make sure that they are the proper tires, inflated, in good condition, wearing properly, and not too old.
Proper Tire
Manufacturers choose specific tires to be fitted on their units. They take into consideration what the vehicle was built for, its maximum performance, and weight loads. After determining these factors, they choose a tire that best fits the vehicle’s needs. It is important to have these same considerations when we replace our tires. Choosing the wrong tire can have severe consequences
Proper Tire Inflation
Tire inflation is important for three reasons, handling, comfort, and fuel efficiency. Manufacturers have recommended tire inflation posted for your unit. Manufacturers usually put a sticker with pressures near the VIN label.
Good Condition and Tracking Properly
To keep up with your tire’s wear, look for four things. Look for how deep is the thread, your vehicle’s alignment, tire balance, and damage.
Make it a regular practice to check your tires for damage. Damage can come in the form of punctures (nails, screws, glass, rocks, etc.), sidewall damage from curbs, or bubbles. Bubbles occur when your tire begins to delaminate. Your tires are constructed of numerous plies of rubber and steel wire. Delamination is usually caused by an impact such potholes, running over bumps, or objects in the road, that causes the belts of the tire to tear, or age. At that point, the belts are compromised and can no longer hold its shape. An air pocket will form between belts and rubber tread, which may also be felt as a vibration.
Tire Age: How Old is too Old?
Two frequently asked questions, are how can you tell how old a tire is and what’s wrong with an old tire. Tires have “Born on Dates” which are production dates. They usually appear in an oval on the sidewall and consist of 4 numbers such as 1508. The first pair of numbers is the week in which the tire was made and the second pair is the year. For the number 1508 stands for the 15th week of 2008 or April 7-13, 2008. When buying new tires, it is a good idea to find out what is the production date of the tires you are buying, so you have a record of when your tires were produced. Tire manufactures and vehicle manufactures opinions vary on how old is too old. Six to eight years is a good timeframe to consider replacing your tires, despite how much tread is left on them. Contributing factors of tires aging are heat and humidity. As they age, tires will begin to break down and delaminate. Inspect your tires to see if you can see cracks in the sidewall, check the born on date, and most importantly, have a tire professional inspect your tires, and follow their recommendations.
Importance of Tire Maintenance.
Tire maintenance is important on many levels, as it is the only contact the vehicle has with the road. Efficiency and proper inflation can increase your fuel mileage. It is economically efficient to make sure your tires are properly inflated, balanced, and suspension aligned can extend the life of your tire. So much is riding on four little rubber contact patches and you should make the right choices.
Please contact FREEDOM RV Inspections & Services for more information, prices and scheduling.
**The prices listed do not include the service charge.
Our Pricing
Hourly Rate
Begins when we arrive on site.
$120 /hr or partial hour
We offer a 10% discount for military customers.
10% discount for cash payments.
(One discount per invoice.)
After Hours
$150 /hr or partial hour
Service charge will double
Service Charge
$100 and up depending on location.
Service Hours
Monday-Saturday 8am-6pm. Emergency only after 6pm.
Sunday Emergency only.
Cash, Credit Card or PayPal
Full RV Services and Repairs
Satisfaction Guaranteed