Freedom RV
Inspections and Services, LLC

Freedom RV
Horse Trailer Repairs

RV Inspections and Services

What is an RV Inspection?
The best way to describe what an RV Inspection is, is to think of a pre-purchase home inspection. Before a loan will be made to buy a home the lender/bank requires a home inspection to determine if the home is structurally solid and meets code.
An RV Inspection is based on the same premise. You are getting ready to spend a considerable amount of money on a unit that will need to endure hurricane force winds (travelling 55-65mph) going down the road and then throw in a few earthquakes (road conditions). You want the assurance that the unit you are buying is in its best condition.

Benefits of an RV Inspection
In the report you receive it will show the items that may need to be repaired/replaced. It will show life threatening issues and issues of concern. The inspection is so thorough it may show issues that the dealer has missed or overlooked.
With this report you will be in a position to go to the dealer and request these items to be corrected or be able to negotiate a better purchasing price. You will have documented proof of these issues by an NRVIA certified Inspector.
If you are buying a used unit from a private seller, this inspection could find hidden damage that may not be readily apparent then again saving you money down the road.

Are there different levels of an RV Inspection?
Yes. FREEDOM RV Inspections & Services provides different levels of inspections for you to choose from.
Premier Level
Essential Level
See Package Pricing

Services and Repairs
If it is in or on your unit, we can ensure that it runs at peak efficiency so that you don’t have to waste a minute of your trip.

Buyer Education
We help you to understand and enjoy your unit after the sale. We can even help you learn to back your unit!
See our After Purchase Program

But why would I need an inspection?
How the Inspection pays for itself:
On a new unit, an inspection can identify warranty issues before you take possession of the RV. From that point you can negotiate the repairs and have them fixed before it leaves the dealership, saving you time and money down the road.
On a pre-owned unit, an inspection can identify issues that exist, allowing the buyer to negotiate the repair cost and/or know what repairs need to be addressed before the unit can be safely taken on the road.
Not all issues are visible to the eye, function tests the inspector does on systems such as the Air Conditioners, Water Heaters, Undercarriage, Roofs, Slides and Refrigerators can show that they are not performing optimally/efficiently, and could lead to potential problems down the road
Not only are repair cost expensive, but the time it takes to get an appointment to bring it into a shop, the hassle of getting it there and the inconvenience of the lost RV time, could pay for the inspection many times over.
Who We Are
We are Renate Long and John Harmon, and together with Christian Long, we are Freedom RV Inspections and Services, LLC.

Both Renate and I are retired military members. Renate completed 27 years with the U.S. Army and I finished with 22 years serving in the U.S. Coast Guard and the U.S. Army. We both served two tours of duty in Iraq and/or Kuwait. After service I went into law enforcement as a Deputy Sheriff in my home county.
As a co-owner and recent college graduate Christian is a Certified RV Technician. He plans to expand the business to ensure our clients can be better served.
We are currently enjoying our fourth RV. We have moved from small to larger travel trailers and from large to smaller fifth wheels. With each change came a period of having to learn the new RV and at times this would take away from being able to enjoy the camping experience.
Renate is a Certified RV Inspector and Registered Technician.
John is a Registered Technician with Certifications in RV Air Conditioning and RV Absorption Refrigerators.
Christian is a Certified Technician with Certifications in all aspects of RV repair.
Our Mission
We also feel it is our responsibility to share our knowledge with you so you can understand how the components of your unit works, which will then make for a more enjoyable experience camping with your family.
We want you to enjoy your camping experience with confidence. With that in mind, FREEDOM RV Inspections and Services offers you services from when you purchase your RV throughout your ownership.
FREEDOM RV Inspections & Services offers a variety of options to choose from that will assist you in performing proper maintenance and minor repairs to your unit. Don’t wait for it to malfunction while on vacation. Check it out before you go.
The cost of “doing it later” will always exceed the cost of “doing it now”.
Happy Travels!
Renate H. Long
NRVAA Accredited
NRVIA Certified Inspector
NRVTA Registered Technician
(804) 217-4487
John M. Harmon III
NRVAA Accredited
NRVTA Registered Technician
(804) 217-4487
Christian J. Long
NRVAA Accredited
NRVTA Certified Technician
RVTAA Certified Technician
(804) 217-4487
Full RV Services and Repairs
Satisfaction Guaranteed